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moving target 【軍事】活動目標。

moving vane

The research interest of moving target detection and recognition is image sequence , i . e . video sequence 運動目標檢測與識別算法研究的對象是序列圖像,或者稱為視頻圖像。

This is specially trained to combat high - speed line moving target venues , as well as the cradle of sniper 這就是專門訓練打擊高速直線移動目標的場地,也是狙擊手的搖籃!

He aimed brilliantly at moving targets , always , and always missed ; the birds were out of range 他擺出漂亮的架勢瞄準飛鳥,卻一次又一次地偏離目標;鳥總是飛出他的射程。

Moving targets detection and imaging is also an important research trend of synthetic aperture radar 運動目標檢測和成像是合成孔徑雷達一個十分重要的發展方向。

The thesis is focused on moving target detection , segmentation and recognition in video sequence 本論文研究的主要內容為視頻序列運動目標的檢測、分割和識別。

Moving target detection and motion analysis from infrared image sequences is discussed in this paper 論文的主要工作是紅外圖象序列的運動目標檢測與運動分析。

We ' ve succeeded by being a moving target , by hitting them where they ain ' t 我們以不斷運動的方式成功地避開了對方的跟蹤,同時在敵人沒有運動的時候打擊他們。

The moving target examination and tracking algorithms in this paper are realized in this system 在該系統中實現了本文提出的運動目標檢測與跟蹤算法。

Powerful burst recording function captures moving targets for sequences up to 20 minuteslong 幀頻能使用戶掃描快速移動的目標和動態的熱變化的事件。

Study on naval pilot ' s visual effectiveness in identifying moving targets of different contrast 海軍飛行員對不同對比度運動目標的視覺識別效能研究

Courses flying target , moving target and jump target , an arbitrary selection began practicing 課程有飛靶,移動靶和跳靶,選擇任意一個開始練習。

Detection of small moving target in infrared image based on fast independent component analysis 基于快速獨立分量分析的紅外運動小目標的檢測

A clear profile of small moving target can be obtained through selecting a suitable threshold 選取適當的閾值,能夠得到清晰的小目標輪廓。

A novel multi - scale intelligent recursive recognition method for three - dimensional moving targets 三維運動目標的多尺度智能遞推識別新方法

Theoretic calculation of operating range of infrared imaging guidance based on the moving target 機動目標紅外成像制導作用距離的理論計算

An image segmentation method based on velocity feature vector for moving target extraction 基于速度特征矢量提取運動目標的圖像分割方法

Experiments indicate this system can track moving target finely in wide range 實驗表明:該系統在較大范圍內能比較好地跟蹤活動目標。

Moving target detection has both a long history and novel approaches 運動目標檢測,既古老? ?歷史悠久,又新穎? ?研究方法日新月異。

Study of preprocessing algorithm of small moving target detection in infrared image sequences 一種改進的紅外小目標檢測與識別方法